Rom 5:5 The Holy Ghost Is Given Unto Christians

Romans 5:5 reads “… the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”Notice in this verse the Holy Ghost himself is what is given; He is the gift. It is not a gift or power from the Holy Ghost. This confirms that in Acts 2:38, the "gift of the Holy Ghost " is the Holy Ghost himself (in PERSON).Who is the “us” given the Holy Ghost according to Rom 5:5? Those who:• are justified by faith, v.1• have peace with God through Christ, v.1• have access into grace, v.2• rejoice in hope, v.2• have hope that maketh not ashamed, v.5• have the love of God ... in their hearts, v.5• have been justified by his blood, v.9• will be saved from wrath through him, v.9• were reconciled to God, v.10• will be saved by his life, v.10That is not just a select few (like who was given the miraculous). That is all Christians receiving the Holy Ghost – then and now. Context confirms it.

UncategorizedPatrick Donahue