Personal Indwelling Of Holy Spirit Is Given "Because Ye Are Sons" - So Not Miraculous

Acts 2:38 and 5:32 are sentinel verses teaching one receives the Holy Ghost when becoming a Christian. But many say Acts 2:38 and 5:32 are referring to the miraculous measure of the Spirit and therefore do not apply today.This won't work, as the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given "because ye are sons":Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts ...Acts 2:38 ... repent and be baptized … for the remission of sins ... and ye shall receive the gift of ... Holy GhostActs 5:32 ... the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey himBut the miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit is not conditioned upon being a son, being baptized for salvation, being obedient. Notice:• Cornelius received the miraculous gift of the Holy Ghost before he was a son, before he was baptized (Acts 10:47), before he completed his obedience.• I Samuel 19:15,20,21,23,24 King Saul and his messengers had a miraculous measure of the Spirit and prophesied, even though they were plotting to slay David (God's chosen), and even though Saul lay down naked all day and night.• Consider Caiaphas (John 11:49-52) and Balaam’s donkey (Num 22:28-30) in the same regard.Conclusion: Acts 2:38, 5:32, and Gal 4:6 cannot refer to the miraculous, therefore are referring to the non-miraculous measure of the Holy Spirit. People still receive that today!